All posts by Mike Dunton

Tripped Up: The Grayson Allen Story

Grayson Allen’s actions are reprehensible and as I write this piece he has been suspended indefinitely. For those of you who are caught up in holiday shopping Grayson Allen deliberately tripped Elon player Steven Santa Ana during Wednesday night’s game. This is the third time in the past 10 months that this action has occurred.

Read more for Dunton’s thoughts on Grayson Allen.

Tiger Woods returns: Here we go again!

So we were teased a few weeks back that he was going to come back, and then we waited. It feels like we have been waiting for an entire PGA season, two really when you consider he shut it down 15 months ago. Well now the wait is over and today, Tiger Woods will play in a competitive (use that term loosely, but more on that later) tournament for the first time since shutting it down and having another back surgery.

Tiger’s back! Dunton gives some thoughts on the return of Woods.

Failure to Launch: The Tiger, Tiger Woods saga continues

We were so close. So close I tell you. The leaves are beginning to change, football teams are settling into who they really are, baseball playoffs are in full swing, and then he announced he was coming back. Could fall get any better? We were so close. Tiger Woods was coming back to golf and this time there was a glimmer of hope that we might get a competitive Tiger. How could we not be really excited after reading this quote last week from Jesper Parnevik?

“By the way, he’s been hitting a lot of balls, and he’s hitting it great. He’s pounding it a mile and flushing everything. On the range, at least, his trajectory and ball flight are like the Tiger we knew 15 years ago. Comebacks are never a sure thing, but something tells me his might be spectacular.”

More on Dunton’s take on Tiger.

Dunton’s Ryder Cup final thoughts

(A note from the editor: Dunton diligently got me this piece at the conclusion of the Ryder Cup. Due to a glitch in the matrix, the piece was filed into the wrong dashboard and I as the editor missed it. That being said, it may be two days late, but Dunton’s work deserves to be read and I wouldn’t let his work go to waste, so enjoy his finals thoughts on the Ryder Cup! USA USA USA!)

The US won the Ryder Cup for the first time since 2008 and only the third win since 1999. This weekend was a great display of team golf and a great indictment for what the US has been doing since 2014. The US, and more importantly the Ryder Cup Task Force that was created after the last demoralizing loss in 2014, took it upon themselves to create a culture that took this, and hopefully all future, Ryder Cups seriously. And who was at the forefront of this task force? Lefty himself of course, Phil Mickelson.

Keep reading for more of Dunton’s final Ryder Cup thoughts.

Long live the King



For a 40-year-old to write about the influence of Arnold Palmer on the game of golf seems a bit odd, but if you are a golf fan it makes perfect sense. Tonight we lost the legend, the great one, the leader of Arnie’s Army, to put it plainly we lost the King. Arnold brought the game of golf to the public in a way that everyone who has followed in his footsteps can only thank him for. He was a man of the people and a public favorite. When he and Jack were going head-to-head, people marveled at Jack’s talent but LOVED Arnie. I don’t have many memories of Arnie winning majors but I can tell you one memory I have of him.

Keep reading for more on Dunton’s thoughts on The King.

NFL ridiculously early predictions: projecting the Green Bay Packers Season

(Note from Wayniac Nation regular contributor Dunton: So I have created a monster. My 9-year old daughter has become an avid fan of the Green Bay Packers. I can’t be mad at her for liking the Packers, they are a classy organization. She found out that Wayne (Texans of course), myself (Bucs) and others were making predictions for how our favorite NFL teams would fare this fall. So here are her predictions, I only helped with spelling and some grammar. Wayne did some minor editing but these are her words. I am especially fond of the Week 8 prediction when she realized it was right around Halloween. So here you go, remember she loves the Packers and is nine (almost 10).)

Read onward for the amazing 9-year old’s Packers predictions.